As important as the content is, hygiene in your dog's bowls is just as important.
Just as none of us would eat from dirty dishes, the same should be true of our pets' bowls. The reason is very simple, as bowls that are not cleaned thoroughly and regularly grow bacteria and fungi that can be detrimental to your dog's health.
According to a study by the NSF (National Science Foundation), dog bowls are the fourth most germ-ridden item in a home . The slimy coating that a dirty food or water bowl leaves behind is called a “biofilm” and is made up of the most dangerous microorganisms that threaten your dog’s health and yours. No matter what type of food you choose, dirty dog bowls grow and can contain harmful bacteria such as: E. coli, Salmonella, Listeria and more.
According to a study in the Canadian Veterinarian Journal, simple rinsing offers no protection. Even the water bowl needs thorough cleaning because dogs transfer germs from their mouths to the water, which at room temperature becomes an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. For this reason, dog bowls should be cleaned daily at home and washing them should take a few minutes.
How to properly clean your dog's bowls
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) recommends that all dog owners wash their food bowls between meals, and the water bowl on a daily basis.
First, you should soap and wash them with hot water. The ideal cleaning involves leaving the utensils in water with detergent for about ten minutes. Then rinse thoroughly and let them dry completely.
If you want to use a dishwasher, choose to wash all of your dog's bowls together, without the dishes you and your family eat or drink.
To avoid any potential source of contamination, use separate sponges only for your pet's bowls. In fact, it would be a good idea to maintain a separate storage space for cleaning supplies for his utensils. It is preferable that these cleaning supplies are located in a different room from your kitchen. As for bowls, avoid plastic ones and prefer stainless steel ones, as they are easier to dry and disinfect.
Dogs and germs
The relationship between dogs and germs is complex. Dogs, like humans, have various germs that live on their skin and inside their bodies. These germs are completely normal and help maintain their health. It's worth keeping in mind that a dog's health can be affected by the balance of germs in their bodies, while there are also some germs that can prove dangerous to their health and yours. A dog's mouth is a breeding ground for germs, which is why experts advise brushing your pet's teeth frequently and not allowing them to lick your face.
Prefer petchef 's cooked food, which is prepared at low temperatures using the Sous Vide method (vacuum cooking), so that all the necessary nutrients are preserved and at the same time any bacteria and pathogens are neutralized.
Create a nutrition plan for your four-legged friend here, while at the end of your order you can find useful products for your everyday life, from bowls to leashes and garbage bags.