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Dog & pill: Smart tricks to trick him

Tips and Tricks to give your dog the pill he needs to take effortlessly and with complete safety.

From ear infections and intestinal parasites to vitamins, many times in a dog's life cycle medication is necessary. The most common and effective means is the pill, which has certainly made it difficult for everyone who has attempted to administer it directly to their pet.

Especially for new owners, trying to give your dog a pill can be uncomfortable to dangerous, as opening your dog's mouth is not only difficult, but it can also result in injury to you. The main reason dogs resist is that they don't like the taste of the pill. For this reason, many veterinarians recommend giving your dog the pill you need to administer through his food.

Safe foods for dog pills

Petchef - sick dog - pill

Let's start with a necessary clarification. The foods you will use to give the pill to your dog should not be dry. Choose cooked meals or creamy foods. The safest foods and those that owners prefer the most are the following:

Peanut Butter : Most dogs love the taste of this treat. Natural peanut butter, strictly free of xylitol and other artificial sweeteners, is a way to trick your four-legged friend into taking his pill.

Fruit purees: Apples or mashed bananas are a good "camouflage" for administering the pill to the dog, while they also have the advantage that, in combination with the pill, he will also receive the vitamins contained in the fruit.

Yogurt: We are talking, of course, about natural yogurt, which contains probiotics, which improve your dog's intestinal function. Veterinarians sometimes recommend enriching your pet's diet with them when they are taking antibiotics, as it is very helpful.

Cooked meat: The easiest and safest way to give your dog a pill is through their cooked meal. Petchef's cooked food recipes fully cover their nutritional needs and due to their pleasant textures, a pill can be hidden and administered more effectively. Chicken or beef combined with vegetables, constitute a complete meal for all dogs that want a light but protein-rich food in their daily life.

Tips for giving your dog the pill

Petchef - medicine for dogs - pill

There are several clever tips for giving your dog a pill, mainly through his food. If you choose a creamy food, a tablespoon with a pill camouflaged in it is the most common way. Most veterinarians recommend administering the medication by breaking the pill directly into food or even water, which is administered through a syringe.

Reward treats are something no dog can resist. So you can shape the pill into a more liquid treat and reward him the first command he obeys.

The best solution, of course, is real cooked food, without colorings or preservatives, which is designed specifically for your dog's needs. Petchef's recipes cover the nutrition of dogs at all stages of their life and are intended for all breeds, so that their diet is balanced and complete.

We create a personalized nutrition plan taking into account each dog's weight, age and activity level.

Create the plan for your four-legged friend here .